Thursday, March 15, 2007

Worthy News

I was always told that reading the paper is a good way to increase your vocabulary, and so with the best of intentions, I committed to reading the newspaper here in Spain. Not only is my vocabulary and grasp of the language expanding, but also I am learning much about what this country considers newsworthy.

There are many options of papers in this city. And the odd thing is that they are all free. At every corner that I stop at in the morning on my walking commute, another paper is shoved into my hands. I suddenly find myself with four daily papers. I was hoping to get through one! I’ve deducted thus far that these daily papers that are free to the public and aggressively handed out each morning are paid for by advertisements, but I’m still doing some research on this.

News is news everywhere: stock prices, the worth of the euro, issues in the Middle East, op-eds, killings, test scores, even crossword puzzles- all are found in my Spanish papers. But the most curious thing I find is the Entertainment section. It is as if I have opened Entertainment Weekly. All of the “news” printed in this section focuses on American celebrities, actors, singers. I read about Britney Spears and her head shaving and Anna Nicole Smith’s death and ensuing battle for her body??? I read news about the Oscars and the anticipated films of the coming year. Bottom line: if you make it in the states, you make it in the world. The reach of American entertainment culture is extensive. Commercials on the television all have American songs. The music at the mall I live near was playing Incubus the other morning. Grey’s Anatomy, Law and Order, Dancing with the Stars, House, Sex and the City, the Simpson’s- all are favorite shows of the Spanish. (Did you know they even give out awards for best voice-overs?)

No wonder the world has the impression of America that they do. The impression is based on our world of entertainment, which is a world, I feel, that very rarely resembles the majority of Americans and their lives. Additionally, many of the stereotypes I’ve encountered of Americans throughout my travels are explained when I realize just how much Hollywood shapes our reputation.

So, while other American news is harder to come by, you can rest assured that I’m up to date with Angelina Jolie and her latest adoption.

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