Saturday, May 5, 2007

Sevilla Sights

I met a woman last year who studied in Sevilla about thirty years ago. Sevilla still holds a special place in her heart. As soon I shared that I would be studying in Sevilla, she was pulling out her photo album. I knew Sevilla must truly be a wonderful place when the photo album did not have to be dug out of a box from the back of a closet, but sat out, easily accessible. She shared some wonderful stories and pictures me that sunny afternoon, increasing my excitement for the unknown world of Sevilla to come.

Last week, my roommate and I pulled out the street guide and made the trek to her old house here in Sevilla. It was so much fun to discover what I call Sayre’s Sevilla Sights. Just as she had talked about, the restaurant near her house still stood: The waiter was setting up the midday meal. The directions to her house, “Down the street, pass the restaurant on the right, come to the end of the street, last house on the left”, were perfect. I remembered one of the pictures of the house in particular, and when I stood on the corner, looking back at the house, it was the same picture. My roommate and I were like two kids on a treasure hunt; we were full of anticipation and loved discovering 29 Bolivia.

Despite the thirty years that separate our visits, Sayre and I both love Sevilla; it is like a little secret we share. Obviously, Spain has changed much between our stays, but in some ways, the Spain Sayre so loved and continues to love is not much different from the Spain I so love. When I talk about places or the culture, she just gets it. This is a gift- to know you don’t always have to remember this place for yourself. Rather, there are people who know it and love it. Regardless of time, that knowledge and love are something to be shared always.

I hope that my photo album is on an easily accessible shelf in my home one day, that the stories flow easily, and some young student sets out to find my old flat, allowing me once again to remember the love I have for this place.

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